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WHAT           ME


I'm Marco 

Graphic Designer based in London


I love old school tattoo, americana style, neo-traditional, black n grey, lettering and japanese art.

I was born in South Italy, Naples. in 1986. I love writing music, skateboarding, art history and street art. I started very young with graffiti in the late 90's and since then I never took off pencil from a paper. I discovered the stencils and how to transfer design from tracing paper to the skin. That blew my kid mind. So I started to slam stencils on kids neighbor skin's. As a teenager I fell in love with the concept of transferring artwork from trains, walls and canvases to the human body, so I could leave my sign on a walking canvas. It was way more exciting than play football all day with other kids. In fact for them I was a weirdo and maybe I was for my age.
My interest in art drove me often somewhere else during my journey but never stopped drawing. Art it was my fav friend always.
After 5 years (plus 2 previously in an advertising school) in 2005 I completed my Bachelor in Sculpture and Architecture at Fine Art School. 
Following I got lost in few family businesses where I learned how to deal with a completely different world made of with customers, suppliers, products etc... however just making money it wasn't enough for me. I shouted down everything and went to University. In 2013 I graduated in Design and Communication at Second University of Naples  and since 3 years I'm working in London as a Graphic Designer.
Now I decided to devote my time entirely to tattoo culture which in my opinion represents the artist's need to come back to the roots and re-capture the lost essence of the art in the over-digital society of today. 
I'm looking for an apprenticeship so if you have any position open just feel free to contact me.
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